Miss Rheingold 1953

My beer is Rheingold the dry beer
Think of Rheingold whenever you buy beer
It’s refreshing– not sweet
It’s the extra dry treat
Won’t you try Extra Dry Rheingold Beer!

THE GAME -- Ohio State v. Michigan

We must have that feeling of bliss again,
To beat them once more is our wish again,
You can't move The Game,
For dollars - that's lame,
We must end the season with Michigan!

Dublin Irish Festival Stout Cures All That Ails You!

The Day - it's finally here,
The men - they're chillin' the beer,
To fix what is troublin' ya',
Get over to Dublin ya',
The cure - a pint of good cheer!

The Elders - Dayton Celtic Festival

If it's arse kickin' music you need,

Your unending hunger to feed,

No longer be waitin'

Get over to Dayton,

You must see The Elders, indeed!

Yuengling - Since 1829 - Nothing But Limericks

Yuengling's the name of this beer,
It cannot be found 'round here,
But head to the coast,
And then you can boast,
That you drank the brew without peer.

The Praises of Beer (Wooden Shoe Lager)

I sing the praises of beer,
To everyone able to hear,
Hops, barley and yeast,
Good water, not least,
To all who imbibe - good cheer!

Johnny Tarr

Our champion, he was Johnny Tarr,

Never beaten, he was at the bar,

Perhaps he was cursed,

For he died, yea, of t'irst,

The doctor exclaimed, by gar!